About Us
Kaizen brings together the right people and technology to help you gain valuable insights into your industry, customers and stakeholders. We provide Accurate, Authentic and Affordable research solutions for clients and help them make decisions that can lead to profitable growth.

We are KAIZENERS. We believe in continuous improvement of Research through CUSTOMIZATION that is founded on technical excellence.


Market Research Project




Market Research
Value Chain Assessment
We assist our clients to understand and quantify their value addition so that they can serve their customers better.
Market Segmentation
Feasibility Test
Market Sizing
Product Test
Ad Test
Brand Health Study
Objectives of Brand Health Survey
Broadly, this technique is used to measure a 360 degree view of a brand. It includes but not limited to the following aspects:
- Awareness and usage
- Stakeholders’ perception of the brand
- Performance of the brand on its value proposition
- Customer loyalty
- Strategy to allocate resources aptly for maximizing the brand potential
- Ability to charge premium
Predictive Analytics
Real Time feedback
People are interacting with your business on the go. Whether it be using an app, or popping into a branch in between meetings. Real Time Feedback or RTF, as we call it in this neck of the woods, is designed to collect feedback from customers as soon after a direct interaction with your business.
We ensure that our RTF surveys are kept concise, to the point and easy for the customer to respond to especially when replying on a mobile device. We’ve seen some incredible response rates using our well designed RTF survey framework.
Stakeholder Research
Employee Survey
Employee Engagement Model
Qualitative Research
Focus Group Discussion
In Depth Interview
Extended Group Discussion
TG Observation
Insight Mining Workshop
Quantitative Research
Retail Audit
Panel Study
Mystery Shopping Study
Major Clients and Past Executions
Kaizen Knowledge
A Look Into The Fisheries Industry
Consumer Behaviour in Digital Marketing
Fight or Flight
Recently Kaizen CRS has conducted a survey to generate insights on the aviation industry of Bangladesh.